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 In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

“Always among us were men and women who fought to make life better for the rest of us; always among the Native people were those who gave their lives to improve the quality of life of their tribes, their nation, and their people. Today we remember Geronimo, we remember Sitting Bull, we remember Marcus Garvey, we remember Nat Turner, we remember Martin Luther King, Jr., we remember Malcolm X, we remember the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. We remember all of those on whose shoulders we stand today, as we should. But now, this is our time; we are yet alive. And Jesus said it best: “I didn’t come into the world to be ministered unto, I came into the world to minister to others,” so he said, “He who would be chief among you, let him be your servant.” (Matt. 20:23-28) 

The enemy tried to and was successful in destroying in us that quality of love that makes us desire to serve one another. We are in the condition we’re in because we have been living under an enemy whose purpose was to render us an unthinking, uncaring people that would be perpetual slaves or servants to him and his people, and his cause—to build his world—while we never do that for ourselves. Every time after slavery we built a town: In fact, we built 60 towns after slavery, but not one exists today because the enemy never wants to see the slave really free.” - From The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan The FINAL CALL NEWS PAPER

What is an ENEMY? And Who is the Inner me?

After reading these words above from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan today, April 28, 2023. I asked my self these questions. Why? Because I always hear people talk about the enemy is business this and that. Well, who is this enemy? What does this enemy look like? If this enemy is causing all this trouble, don’t we need to know who he or she really is so we can stop them from doing what they are doing?

If someone comes in our homes and tears it up. Are you going to sit there and say: “ oh that's the enemy doing what he do? Just leave him alone.”

Hell No! If your thinking is like my own. You are going to get up and start swinging. Now, I think we really have an identity problem today. This is The WAR of ARMAGEDDON. Not some imaginary thing. It is real. It is The battle between right and wrong. Good and evil. And many of us are still sitting on the sidelines watching like it is some sports game and your favorite plays may miss a shot and you cuss them out and sit back down.

It is time to STAND UP. Stand up on what? Stand up for The TRUTH we can not live without anymore. According to definition, an enemy is a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. The enemy within is a threat that exists within a person, family community, nation, and is very distinct from an external enemy.

By the way, the word distinct means recognizably different in nature from someone or something else of a similar type. 

What does fighting the enemy within mean?
It means to destroy completely the Enemy Within ourselves first?

When we conquer the enemy within ourselves first, no enemy outside can do any of us harm. Stop wasting your energy and invest within yourself. We will never get to where we want to be by tearing ourselves down.

What is an enemy according to the Bible?

In the Bible, my enemy is someone who does not like me, someone who wants to do me harm, never someone I don't like or to whom I want to do harm. 

Jesus never wanted us to be that way. In fact, He said we are to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Mt 5:44). Why love our enemies Jesus!!! Why do we keep our enemies closer?

Sun Tzu advises that it is wise to keep your friends and enemies close because these are people it is important to know and understand. If you want to be victorious in battle you should know your enemy better than you know yourself so you can always be ahead of him and wise to what he may be planning.

If we know our enemy better. That means we can learn from his or her wrong doing so that we can do something better for ourselves than what was done to us by them. Unless you love being smacked around by some punk pimp. Then enjoy your smacking baby.

But did you know That Allah (God) who came in The Person of Master Fard Muhammad is present to avenge all of us? Do you believe this? I know you don’t believe it. That desire you have for justice? That comes from the One in whose image you were created. He is the God of justice, and He loves justice. It’s good to want justice in this sin sick world, but when we try to get it for ourselves, we put ourselves in His place. Romans 12:19 says, “Never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (ESV).

How do I know this to be true?

First, I am still alive after some wicked maniac slammed his foot on the gas. Driving a RV into the back of an SUV. Turning that SUV into A heat seeking missile that almost killed 9 members of my family at one time. The hospital told my younger sister, they were expecting us to arrive dead. But they did not expect the mighty hand of Allah (God) himself to be the one sheilding us. When i saw the engine of my mother car she had planned to give to me smoking and hear the first responders say we can not open the door. I told them   "Get my family out!!! Don't worry about me."

My foot was pinned under the brake, I could not move from the right side of my body. "Get them Out I said". After they dragged my mother my wife, my youngest sons and my one of my grandsons out. They came back for me. ALL Praise is due to ALLAH (God) who came  and was there, in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. The man fled the scene and made it all the way back to his home in Ohio 9 hours away from South Carolina, from what I was told. But after patitoning Allah (God) under great pain and suffering. One day on Febuary 3 2023. There was a train derailment in Ohio. 

What Happened in OHIO? from The New York Times. Look for yourself here.

On Feb. 3, a Norfolk Southern train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, igniting a fire and setting off fears of an explosion. The authorities carried out a controlled release and burn-off of some of the train’s hazardous cargo, but residents on both sides of the Ohio-Pennsylvania state line are concerned about the impact on their health and the environment.

Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio and Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania expanded the evacuation zone to a one-mile-by-two-mile area around East Palestine, on both sides of the line between the two states.The authorities released toxic materials from five tankers, and the contents were diverted to a trench and burned off. The train was carrying chemicals and combustible materials, with vinyl chloride, a toxic flammable gas, being of most concern to investigators. 

The authorities released toxic materials from five tankers, and the contents were diverted to a trench and burned off. The train was carrying chemicals and combustible materials, with vinyl chloride, a toxic flammable gas, being of most concern to investigators. 

The Environmental Protection Agency told Norfolk Southern in a letter that about 20 rail cars had been carrying hazardous materials and that vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, ethylhexyl acrylate and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether had been released into the air, surface soil and surface waters.

I pray for the insoncent victums in that area. I pray for them to not suffer.  I did not ask God for that. But his JUSTICE IS HIS JUSTICE ALONE. NOTHING HAPPENS WITHOUT HIS PERMISSSION TODAY. NOT EVEN ME SHARING MY STORY WITH YOU.

BUT ALL OF US really need to know that under His BLESSING and His Mercy, God has promised to deal with our enemies. Gloria Copeland says, “The Lord shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before your face. This is THE BLESSING; this belongs to you. They will come against you one way but flee before you seven ways. When you are under the curse, you run from your enemies, but under HIS BLESSING, they run from you.” You may not see it firsthand, but you can count on Him to carry out what He has promised.
Even with the enemy deep within our own selves...

To be continued...

From The desk of Your Student Brother
Jabril Chris Muhammad
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By Student Brother Jabril Chris Muhammad 28 Sep, 2024
For those of you interested in sharing anyone's digital content on your social media page, website or blog . And perhaps you are interested to learn how to earn passive income for your efforts. This FREE PDF will help guide you along your way. If you have any comments, please leave them below. Or if you have questions or concerns, give us a call at (573) 250-8365
NOW IS THE TIME TO LEARN HOW TO ACQUIRE YOUR OWN LAND FOR A FRACTION OF THE RETAIL PRICE. Join this Mastery Class and learn how you can stop paying high rent and mortgage costs now. Walmart said, "SAVE MONEY, LIVE BETTER. " So Why Not Learn How To Do Just That?
From the desk of your co-editor of Your FEARLESS WORLD NEWS @Jabril Chris Muhammad A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT has been made from The Assistant SUPREME Captain of THE NATION of ISLAM Grandmaster Abdul Azziz Muhammad!!! We are pleased to share this good news and we invite you to share your comments with us below. Many from all over the country and the world have requested how to become a student of Grandmaster Abdul Azziz Muhammad. The wait is over!! Regardless of where you are, you will be able to join MMAM (My Martial Arts Master). Visit: Join his Martial Arts Master Class, The Online Martial Arts Course, Today And… Learn VSK Jiu Jitsu To Defend Your Life and The Lives of Your Loved Ones! On Your Own Schedule, Without Leaving Your Home Please support his efforts and if you like our content and would like to offer a generous donation to help further our growth please donate here SUBSCRIBE TO THE FEARLESS NEWSLETTER for Untainted News-Self Advancement Opportunities-Better Health Suggestions - Conflict Resolution Suggestions & More here
Greeting to you,
By Your FEARLESS WORLD NEWS 10 Jul, 2023
Greetings to you, This is your student brother Jabril Chris Muhammad, your co-editor of Your FEARLESS WORLD NEWS. On June 26, 2023, Our brother Student Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad shared his view on The WEAPONIZATIONS of Hip Hop. Today, We would like to hear from you about what he shared below: I have routinely disclaimed that I am not a “Hip Hop Historian.” Rather, my area of deep dive is more specific and circumscribed: the #WEAPONIZATION of Hip Hop. Many Hip Hop heads prefer that I change my language to the Weaponizations of RAP, because Hip Hop is the culture which Rap is only one element of. I can appreciate that intellectual distinction, but in the real world of the Black Community it is a distinction without a real difference. Rappers are shaped by the culture and the rapper shapes the culture. It’s very cyclical and self-fulfilling. And Hip Hop culture has a very pronounced influence on #BlackCulture broadly defined, for better and/or for worse depending on who controls the culture. I am deliberately distinguishing Hip Hop Culture as a theoretical or ideal construction in our minds and hearts from Hip Hop Culture as an on-the-ground MANIFESTATION. “Culture” is defined as the arts and other MANIFESTATIONS of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively; it is the CUSTOMS, arts, SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. Whoever controls the rappers and their access to the public (and the public’s access to them), can and does re-engineer “The Culture.” The most widely HEARD and SEEN rappers impact the thinking of the people and the direction of the culture much more substantively than do the lesser heard and seen rappers, regardless of their content. For the last approximately 30 years (at least) MOST (not all) of the rappers have been in the control of a cultural demographic BENT on shaping Hip Hop in a way that degenerates BLACK Culture. You cannot deny this and you cannot deny that they have been successful. Most people who object to my language are trapped in nostalgia. Hip Hop culture of the late seventies and eighties was positive and uplifting; it was God inspired. Hip Hop CULTURE in 2023 ain’t that; it is quite literally Satan-directed. Facts. And this re-engineered CULTURE bleeds easily and into the broader Black Culture. This analysis does not negate the fact that there have always been positive rappers who have held on to Hip Hop Culture as it originally manifested. My point, which cannot be denied, is that Hip Hop Culture as it MANIFESTS in 2023 is...different. Book available at Please Comment Below
PEACE Family This is your student brother & friend Jabril Chris Muhammad. Here we invite you to take a look at Professor Griff A Minista of Information, who says: You Are The Song You Sing Who is Professor Griff? He is An Energetic and Passionate Educator. Professor Griff is an internationally renowned educator, writer, producer, musician, platinum recording/spoken word artist, lecturer and founding member of the pioneering and revolutionary hip hop group Public Enemy.” Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Artist” and “Grammy recipient of the “Life Time Achievement Award”. Author of the popular music business guide: Musick Bizness R.I.P. (Resource Information Publication), Griff stands as a highly acclaimed, seasoned entertainment industry veteran and sought-after resource on all aspects of the music business. He is an activist within both the conscious and hip hop communities, Griff currently stands as a permanent fixture on the international lecture circuit with his riveting and powerful discourse/book, the Psychological Covert War on Hip Hop. An energetic and passionate educator, Griff skillfully customizes this extensively documented lecture to suit the needs of all audiences. Armed with an exemplary life of service and an impressive twenty-year musical career, Griff captivates audiences with his universal call for social responsibility within both the hip hop community and larger culture. As perhaps a testament to his firm commitment to raise the level of consciousness of today s entire hip hop generation; Griff effortlessly draws upon his own extensive entertainment industry experience and a vast reservoir of historical scholarship and research to deliver this poignant message. Learn more about him here Please Watch and Share Your thoughts about him and this video below.
Peace, This is Your Student brother friend Jabril Chris Muhammad. In this report we are taking a look into the views of Kim Kiyosaki about why are so many people are financially broke, In Our Hope we can learn how to repair our financial damage. Who is Kim Kiyosaki? Kim Kiyosaki is a student, who has learned what it takes to be successful-as a real estate investor, entrepreneur, speaker, and author. Drawing on a lifetime of experience in business, real estate, and investing to support her mission of financial education for women, Kim is a sought-after speaker, a host of the weekly Rich Dad Radio Show, and an active investor. According to her biography, Kim is passionate about providing financial education and has built upon the international success of her books, Rich Woman and It's Rising Time!, to create a series of Rich Woman products as well as an active and dynamic online community. In 1996, she and her husband Robert Kiyosaki, author of the personal finance classic and international bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad, founded The Rich Dad Company. In 1989, Kim began her real estate investing career with a purchase of a small, 2-bedroom/1-bath rental property in Portland, Oregon. Today Kim's real estate company buys, sells, and manages millions of dollars in property and her portfolio includes apartment complexes, hotels, and golf courses. She views herself As self-made millionaire, But we know nothing happens without the permission of Allah (God) in the person of Master Fard Muhammed. Kim is a happily married (but fiercely independent) woman who often travels and speaks with her husband and business partner, Robert. We close with this: The Economic Blueprint offered by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and through The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam is a painless and fool-proof way to progress as this country steadily moves toward a complete shutdown. We can’t afford to wait and we can’t afford to stumble. What we can and must do is follow divine guidance and act for our own sake. Observe the operations of the White man. He is successful. So we have a contemporary example of a movement working for development that is a minority inside this country and using land as the engine for development. We have the example of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the enterprises and holdings of the Nation of Islam in the 1960s and 1970s and even today. We have a man who is calling us to success today, all we need is to step forward and give 35 cents a week to a national treasury. Send your donations to or mail contributions to: Muhammad Economic Blueprint C/O Seaway Bank & Trust Company P.O. Box 19522, Chicago, IL. 60619-9522 Attn: Sherlyn Russell. Up you mighty nation, you can accomplish what you will! Please watch the video Below and leave a comment
From the desk of Your Student Brother And Co Editor of Your FEARLESS WORLD NEWS. Greetings to you, I am Your Student Brother & Friend Jabril Chris Muhammad. I am presenting this report in hopes that you as a reader will learn about some horrible conditions that really exist and could be fatal for millions of people who are unaware. Have you felt really tired lately after being in the sun for some time lately? Yes, Being outside on a hot, sunny day often leaves people feeling tired and drowsy. The reason for this is that your body has to work harder to keep you cool. This results in you feeling tired quicker. In hot weather, your body will automatically make adjustments to maintain its temperature. The body’s most well-known cooling mechanism is sweating. In order to release sweat and cool the skin, both your heart rate and metabolic rate increase. This means that you burn through energy quicker. It can also leave you feeling dehydrated. Experts say that the best way to cool down is to spend some time in the shade and drink plenty of water. But have you noticed these chem trails lately? Chem trails are exactly what they sound like, trails of chemicals in the air. What can chemicals in the air do to the body? Here what our research found. Exposure to air pollution can affect everyone's health. When we breathe in air pollutants, they can enter our bloodstream and contribute to coughing or itchy eyes and cause or worsen many breathing and lung diseases, leading to hospitalizations, cancer, or even premature death . Premature death means we die earlier than we expected. Some people, even my self at one point, think of air pollution as something that’s found mainly outside. We may picture cars idling or power plants with smoke stacks. But air pollution can also occur inside—in homes, offices, or even schools. What? Schools you say. Not where our children attend to get a education right? You damn right. Because somebody knows that if our children can become infected with some chemical agent that is contagious to others. When they bring in back home unaware. Now your families receive it too. Have you checked on the HVAC systems in your homes and the children's schools lately? What about the clean air quality they are breathing in? What’s Outside and in the clouds that MUST BE CONSIDERED BETTER RIGHT NOW? Did you know that several different types of pollutants can affect our health? When the weather is warm, an invisible gas called ozone can make it harder for some people to breathe. This gas is created when sunlight triggers a chemical reaction between oxygen and certain pollutants from cars, factories, and other sources. Ozone can irritate the lining of your airways and lungs. People with asthma and other lung conditions are more likely to feel its effects. What is this OZONE THING? The ozone layer or ozone shield is a region of Earth's stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. It contains a high concentration of ozone in relation to other parts of the atmosphere, although still small in relation to other gases in the stratosphere. OTHER GASES? What if there were other chemicals being added to those gases? Have you heard about chem trails or have you seen them? What would a burned out ozone layer produce? We found from our research that when chlorine and bromine atoms come into contact with ozone in the stratosphere, they destroy ozone molecules. One chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before it is removed from the stratosphere. Ozone can be destroyed more quickly than it is naturally created. Now think about this. Scientists know that added combustible chemicals to other chemicals can trigger certain reactions. Have you ever mixed bleach with ammonia? Please don't try this anywhere. But if you have, then you know you can not stay around that hazard too long. WHAT ARE CHEM TRAILS? Chem trails, short for chemical trails, are what some call the white trails you see left behind as a plane passes overhead. We who believe in the chemical aspect of chem trails say those trails are actually clouds of chemicals used by the government or some other large scale entity for a variety of nefarious purposes from weather modification, to human population control via sterilization, to even mind control. Now, you may not believe it. That's fine...just don't wait til death takes you out of here because of this level of poisoning to try to become a believer. It would be physically impossible. Chem's trails are not theories. How can a those planes we see in our skies pushing out all that chemical crap not be real? You see it, don't you? Did you know about a group of 77 scientists, who published a report in the journal of Environmental Research Letters after digging through the supposed evidence of the intent to poison us through chem trails? These scientists are experts in atmospheric science, including the contributions of aircraft to the atmosphere as well as atmospheric processes like how quickly or uniformly chemicals fall through the air to the ground. Now look, you don't need to believe a word of this report. You can say what you want. I really don't give a DAMN. ALLAH ( GOD0 IS MAKING ME a SAVIOURS HELPER. To help tell the TRUTH. And the life we learned to live is worth nothing!!! There is NO DEATH for those who are RIGHT and just. MY prayer and my SACRIFICES. MY LIFE AND MY DEATH ARE ALL FOR ALLAH (GOD) Do what you want with us. But the righteous DON'T DIE WE MULTIPLY. DID YOU KNOW, Of those 77 scientists, 76 said they found no evidence of a "secret large-scale atmospheric program"—that’s 98.7%? Instead, they found that "the data cited as evidence [for such a program] could be explained through other factors, including well-understood physics and chemistry associated with aircraft." In other words, the evidence pointed to the trails being simply the normally expected result of planes flying through the air. But what about that one scientist? One scientist noted that in one remote location, the levels of barium in the atmosphere were unusually high relative to the levels of barium in the soil. No claims were made that the reason for those elevated levels had to be a large scale chemical operation, but since that scientist was not convinced of a clear reason for the barium to be higher in the atmosphere there, they left the possibility open. That means they did not agree with him at that time. Why did that scientist note from a remote location? Could it be he saw something like Edward Snowden did? Go read this report for yourselves and find the TRUTH here To be continued...
Every BLACK FAMILY should be totally disgusted with the mistreatment of all those who work night and day to help RE -EDUCATE OUR CHILDREN the right way. IN FACT, With all the horrible conditions children from all walks of life have to deal with. Every community knows there is a BIG PROBLEM that must be solved. But there are some evil people who don't want to see our children learn better so they can do better. All of our children, no matter if you are black, brown, red yellow or white, ALL are suffering from the miseducating misuse misdirection mistreatment and more from wicked minds who govern the educational departments around the earth. Your current curriculum has no growing power to help our children benefit the right way. And the proof is in how you wicked educational providers DO NOT PROJECT the right education, that will produce constructive tangible results and help make SAFE DECENT PLACES TO LIVE within and around our communities like it should. We thank Allah (God) for Black educators like our Student brother and Minister Abdul Muhammad. Men who saw the problem with how our children have been learning and worked night and day to help produce better solutions. Until you corrupt vipers, in the school system made your move. To discredit him in order to hide your wicked practices. You are the major problem producing the mindless behaviors in the black community and in every community, for your personal benefits. And we have had enough of your scandalizations that have made all of us dissatisfied with how you perform with our children. You worked like serpents, against Mr. Muhammad, without any credible evidence. Mr. Muhammad was targeted and victimized by your internal corruption, your religious bigotry, and your deep conflicts of interest. Mr. Muhammad’s case is exemplary of a larger troubling phenomenon of how principal rights are violated in CPS, and in ever city in America and far off. Our report is not only to help support our Student brother and Minister Abdul Muhammad. It is to help support every BLACK EDUCATOR who sincerely desires to help solve the problems our children and our communities have. With that said we ask for our communities to help do what you can to bring this stomach turning plot to a full and complete end. Please WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW and learn how you can support this battle between right and wrong here
By STUDENT BROTHER Jabril Chris Muhammad 02 Jun, 2023
Greetings to everyone who may read my words to my daughter and my children. I am a man who bears witness to the truth of what has been written, and what is being written. One thing that was written so long ago is this: "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers , lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." Today I bear witness that my own heart is being turned towards my own children and I know their hearts are being turned towards me. Not because I say so... But because I am a student of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad under the tutelage of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. I am learning from The Father how to become a Better Father and loving friend. A FATHERS LOVE NEVER DIES IT MULTIPLIES... A FATHERS LOVE NEVER DIES IT MULTIPLIES I wrote this letter to my daughter Lesley to not only help acknowledge her birthday anniversary on June 1st. But to really help ignite the passion of LOVE PEACE AND HAPPINESS into the hearts of ALL MY CHILDREN. AND perhaps to help many others along our journey. My Beloved daughter Leslie Mortley. Today is your birth anniversary. A day I was not allowed to be a part of so long ago. I want you to live your best because you are becoming the best version of your self. All of us have suffered great pains... But we need to know that GREATNESS comes after the PAIN always. See... I believe That God's Greatness live within ourselves. All we need to do is READ + LEARN and Apply = Tangible results we can believe in. Yeah... it is simple math like ABC or 123. YET it is also a very hard lesson we must learn from, In order to move forward and grow. Because we live....after all of our struggles and pains, refusing to give up. I know you are one of MY BEST CHAMPIONS AGAINST THE FOWLS of this sin sick word. Worlds are not planets my beloved daughter . The earth is what it is supposed to be, LIFE! BUT worlds that are manifested, from sin sick minds, to mismanage, misdirect, misinform, misuse, murder robe rape and worse. Worlds, that produce chaos and total mass confusion MUST LEAVE our lives. This means, I know you have the MAGNETIC POWER to ATTRACT THOSE who are unaware of REAL LIFE, into The ACTUAL STATE of What Where When and how REAL LIFE must become. Which exist deep within your and my own state of awareness. That will always reposition us, with HIS natural-born courage to MEET AND OVERCOME every obstacle in our paths. As a student, I am learning more and more into the mind of FATHERSHIP . Father means to further life by the way. And Our FATHER , The One who ORIGINATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH. OUR FATHER....... Who Is In Heaven and up This Earth. He is the one who has been your strength and my own. The reason why I call you and your sister Taijah, MY FREEDOM AND MY SONS my JUSTICE is because YOU ARE HELPING TO unlock the doors THAT KEPT ME BOUND TO WRONG DOING ..... FREE..... DOM(e) Free our domes from the prison of our INNER ME and with LOVE as our ENERGY FROM THE HEART AND SOUL OF OUR INNER (G) will always defeat our open enemies who ever they may be. NEVER BE AFRAID TO BE YOURSELF. And BE NEVER afraid to live your own culture. If the way of life is lame, it is not our game. Sorry we don’t rock that way, (to those who are still reading) Smiling. What way do we ROCK then dad? We ROCK Hard Like The 3 The hard way. Follow The Mahdi The Messiah and The Minister. In The name of The Father of The Sun and His Holy Spirit. Because that is where I am traveling with a wise man to do. Boarding at LIFE GATE X Baby. For anyone travel towards a world we will have SAFE & DECENT PLACES to live. Oh... don’t you want to go to OUR OWN FEARLESS WORLD !!!! Where all of us can live without FEAR of BEING our OWN ORIGINAL SELVES? I am on my way baby girl.... And so are you. Sometimes when we don’t have much to give, but can still share a word. We should share it. Just like in the beginning you know... Just like..... When in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome by it. And remember he came onto his own, but his own received him not. Many have a problem being received by others. That problem is rooting our own refusal to study from our own INTERNAL AFFAIRS . REMEMBER I TOLD YOU ABOUT OUR inner me? How strong our we from the inside out? Everyone must ask ourselves these questions when we look at the man or woman in the mirror at some point. But that is where THE TRUTH about WHO and what we are really is. And will become. So...just like the word was in the begging And became a LIVING SOUL THEN... Every human being who wants SAFE & DECENT place to live. Must become students and study THE LIVING SOUL OF ALLAH (GOD) who TRAVELED 9000 MILES in the PERSON of MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD . To raise up one born out of the cotton fields of Georgia. We know him by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad who really is The JESUS CHRIST everyone has been Looking for.... And the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan BEST FRIEND against any opposition. None will ever need to worry about the problems we all have. Because if we can just be good students. We will become MASTER PROBLEM SOLVES. Backed by The FORCES of Nature. ALLAH (GOD is OUR STRENGTH!!!!! Always has BEEN and He Always will be. That’s why I was given The name JABRIL, From Student brother Melvin Muhammad. Jabril means GOD IS MY STRENGTH . Has God been the strength to anyone who reads this? Raise your hand high!!!!! Lol How many times have any of you gone through pain and suffer only to find out it was nothing but the lord? How many of you faced starvation because of a bad economy....only to find out it was God himself is who brought us through? Do we sing this song in The Church: We have come this far by faith, Leaning on the Lord, Trusting in His holy Word, He's never failed us --yet. Singin' oh, oh, oh, can't turn a-round, We've come this far by faith. Just the other day, I heard a man say He didn't believe in God's -Word, But I can truly say that I have found the way, And He's never failed me yet. And so my daughter... today. By the permission of Allah (God) I share my words of life with YOU and ALL OF MY CHILDREN . Don't None OF YOU EVER BE discouraged. BE ENCOURAGED........ When troubles come your -way. He'll bear all our burdens, BECAUSE HE KNOWS HOW TO TUNE IN on all of us. All we need to do is tune in on him alone AND THE REST WILL FOLLOW. Like The R&B group ENVOGUE All of us must FREE OUR MINDS, so we can benefit from LOVE PEACE AND HAPPINESS. So All of us WILL Benefit.... And never be without FOOD, CLOTHING AND SHELTER. EVERY HUMAN being MUST FREE OURSELVES from todays SAVAGE WAY OF LIFE. We MUST SOLVE every WRONG problem. WITH every right answer. This will be continued... If you like this article please comment below. If you care to send a love offering for the birth anniversary of my daughter. You may send it to her directly using her cash app here Thank you for taking time to read my post I am your student brother and loving friend. Jabril Chris Muhammad A many of many hats -author and student editor of Your FEARLESS WORLD NEWS You may support our content with a generous love offering using my cash app below
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