In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.
“Always among us were men and women who fought to make life better for the rest of us; always among the Native people were those who gave their lives to improve the quality of life of their tribes, their nation, and their people. Today we remember Geronimo, we remember Sitting Bull, we remember Marcus Garvey, we remember Nat Turner, we remember Martin Luther King, Jr., we remember Malcolm X, we remember the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. We remember all of those on whose shoulders we stand today, as we should. But now, this is our time; we are yet alive. And Jesus said it best: “I didn’t come into the world to be ministered unto, I came into the world to minister to others,” so he said, “He who would be chief among you, let him be your servant.” (Matt. 20:23-28)
The enemy tried to and was successful in destroying in us that quality of love that makes us desire to serve one another. We are in the condition we’re in because we have been living under an enemy whose purpose was to render us an unthinking, uncaring people that would be perpetual slaves or servants to him and his people, and his cause—to build his world—while we never do that for ourselves. Every time after slavery we built a town: In fact, we built 60 towns after slavery, but not one exists today because the enemy never wants to see the slave really free.” - From The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan The FINAL CALL NEWS PAPER
What is an ENEMY? And Who is the Inner me?
After reading these words above from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan today, April 28, 2023. I asked my self these questions. Why? Because I always hear people talk about the enemy is business this and that. Well, who is this enemy? What does this enemy look like? If this enemy is causing all this trouble, don’t we need to know who he or she really is so we can stop them from doing what they are doing?
If someone comes in our homes and tears it up. Are you going to sit there and say: “ oh that's the enemy doing what he do? Just leave him alone.”
Hell No! If your thinking is like my own. You are going to get up and start swinging. Now, I think we really have an identity problem today. This is The WAR of ARMAGEDDON.
Not some imaginary thing. It is real. It is The battle between right and wrong. Good and evil. And many of us are still sitting on the sidelines watching like it is some sports game and your favorite plays may miss a shot and you cuss them out and sit back down.
It is time to STAND UP. Stand up on what? Stand up for The TRUTH we can not live without anymore. According to definition, an enemy is a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. The enemy within is a threat that exists within a person, family community, nation, and is very distinct from an external enemy.
By the way, the word distinct means recognizably different in nature from someone or something else of a similar type.
What does fighting the enemy within mean?
It means to destroy completely the Enemy Within ourselves first?
When we conquer the enemy within ourselves first, no enemy outside can do any of us harm. Stop wasting your energy and invest within yourself. We will never get to where we want to be by tearing ourselves down.
What is an enemy according to the Bible?
In the Bible, my enemy is someone who does not like me, someone who wants to do me harm, never someone I don't like or to whom I want to do harm.
Jesus never wanted us to be that way. In fact, He said we are to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Mt 5:44). Why love our enemies Jesus!!! Why do we keep our enemies closer?
Sun Tzu advises that it is wise to keep your friends and enemies close because these are people it is important to know and understand. If you want to be victorious in battle you should know your enemy better than you know yourself so you can always be ahead of him and wise to what he may be planning.
If we know our enemy better. That means we can learn from his or her wrong doing so that we can do something better for ourselves than what was done to us by them. Unless you love being smacked around by some punk pimp. Then enjoy your smacking baby.
But did you know That Allah (God) who came in The Person of Master Fard Muhammad is present to avenge all of us? Do you believe this? I know you don’t believe it. That desire you have for justice? That comes from the One in whose image you were created. He is the God of justice, and He loves justice. It’s good to want justice in this sin sick world, but when we try to get it for ourselves, we put ourselves in His place. Romans 12:19 says, “Never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (ESV).
How do I know this to be true?
First, I am still alive after some wicked maniac slammed his foot on the gas. Driving a RV into the back of an SUV. Turning that SUV into A heat seeking missile that almost killed 9 members of my family at one time. The hospital told my younger sister, they were expecting us to arrive dead. But they did not expect the mighty hand of Allah (God) himself to be the one sheilding us. When i saw the engine of my mother car she had planned to give to me smoking and hear the first responders say we can not open the door. I told them "Get my family out!!! Don't worry about me."
My foot was pinned under the brake, I could not move from the right side of my body. "Get them Out I said". After they dragged my mother my wife, my youngest sons and my one of my grandsons out. They came back for me. ALL Praise is due to ALLAH (God) who came and was there, in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. The man fled the scene and made it all the way back to his home in Ohio 9 hours away from South Carolina, from what I was told. But after patitoning Allah (God) under great pain and suffering. One day on Febuary 3 2023. There was a train derailment in Ohio.
On Feb. 3, a Norfolk Southern train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, igniting a fire and setting off fears of an explosion. The authorities carried out a controlled release and burn-off of some of the train’s hazardous cargo, but residents on both sides of the Ohio-Pennsylvania state line are concerned about the impact on their health and the environment.
Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio and Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania expanded the evacuation zone to a one-mile-by-two-mile area around East Palestine, on both sides of the line between the two states.The authorities released toxic materials from five tankers, and the contents were diverted to a trench and burned off. The train was carrying chemicals and combustible materials, with vinyl chloride, a toxic flammable gas, being of most concern to investigators.
The authorities released toxic materials from five tankers, and the contents were diverted to a trench and burned off. The train was carrying chemicals and combustible materials, with vinyl chloride, a toxic flammable gas, being of most concern to investigators.
The Environmental Protection Agency told Norfolk Southern in a letter that about 20 rail cars had been carrying hazardous materials and that vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, ethylhexyl acrylate and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether had been released into the air, surface soil and surface waters.
I pray for the insoncent victums in that area. I pray for them to not suffer. I did not ask God for that. But his JUSTICE IS HIS JUSTICE ALONE. NOTHING HAPPENS WITHOUT HIS PERMISSSION TODAY. NOT EVEN ME SHARING MY STORY WITH YOU.
BUT ALL OF US really need to know that under His BLESSING and His Mercy, God has promised to deal with our enemies. Gloria Copeland says, “The Lord shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before your face. This is THE BLESSING; this belongs to you. They will come against you one way but flee before you seven ways. When you are under the curse, you run from your enemies, but under HIS BLESSING, they run from you.” You may not see it firsthand, but you can count on Him to carry out what He has promised.
Even with the enemy deep within our own selves...
To be continued...
From The desk of Your Student Brother
Jabril Chris Muhammad
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