What is This Book About

What does the feeling of abandonment feel like?

When any of us feel abandoned by someone you care about, this may lead you to feel overwhelmed, confused, and devastated. In some cases, someone may temporarily not be available to you because they're dealing with their own emotions. In other instances, emotional abandonment may be caused by more complex processes.

For over 40 + years, our student brother Jabil Chris Muhamad, has suffered from this, like many of you today. But today, he is learning How To Close this Gap by Learning How to Use The POWER OF SELF-LOVE, to meet and overcome this for himself and his own family.

Question: Dear Student brother Jabril Chris Muhammad, why did you write this book?

Every one of us has self impediments and gaps in our lives. Why is it important to close gaps in our own lives? First and foremost, we MUST adhere to recommended preventive care, like getting an annual cancer or diabetes screening, lead to better health outcomes due to early diagnosis or maintenance of a chronic conditions.

I suffer with chronic conditions today. If I had known the root causes of my suffering, pain and internal issues, I don’t believe my current conditions would even exist.

QUESTION: Why do you think ABANDONMENT is at the root?

Abandonment is near the root. Whenever we are rejected by anyone, we can live a blacklisted life. People tend to steer clear of you and avoid you like you don’t belong. No one should be ignored that way. So I made up my mind to stop ignoring the root of my chronic conditions by reconnecting my life with the giver of ALL LIFE. 

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan introduced to all of us STUDY GUIDE #9 Our Intimate Relationship With Rabbi-l' Al ameen where he said:

“Dear Believer:

May this letter find you well and in good spirits.

The knowledge of Self is the greatest of all knowledge. It is akin to the knowledge of Allah (God). Both of these knowledges, which is really one, is the key to our return to God, Self and Power.

The study of ourselves as Black people (Original People of the Earth) must never be abandoned. We must know ourselves historically, biologically, genetically, but we must also go to the root of ourselves, which is knowledge of the nature in which we are created, which is the Essence of Self– Knowledge.

Master Fard Muhammad called all of us Muslims. This is an indication that our real national identity does not come from the Earth
or a particular land mass, for national boundaries are actually artificial.”

Look at that part: The study of ourselves as Black people (Original People of the Earth) must never be abandoned.

So this is about the study of ourselves and learning how to close the gaps that hinder our progress. For me, I am still learning about this. And this Book is my way of sharing what is helping me, and share some help to others who may need it too.

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