What type of change?
Look at the conditions in and around the Black community in particular, and every community on the earth. All we see is a SAVAGE and UNDER EDUCATED Lifestyles that only benefits those who have personal gains. And not the people under these conditions. A RAGGEDY Lifestyle unfit for anyone. You who suck the life out of the poor live really good and grand because of these suffering conditions. And you hate when people rise up to help clean up our own mess. You are like horrible children told to clean up your room after you have trashed it.
And if a good parent comes to tell you it is clean up time, you make a big fuss and add further confusion until your good parent has had enough of your foolish behaviors.
Why not help those of us who really want to clean up our own mess?
Because you make a good living off the ignorance of others and when REAL BLACK EDUCATORS STAND UP for truth. It becomes a problem for you. But it was cool when we accepted your way of life so you could live better. Now that we want to live better and do better it is a problem. When real EDUCATORS from OUR OWN Step-up on THE TRUTH to help re-educate our troubled youth the right way. YOU BECOME FUSSY.
Your school teacher Kelly Tarrant, stole school money and weaponized an attack on our brother. To cover up what she did and what many others who think like her are still doing.
When our brother saw the super red flags, he step up to do his job and you wicked vipers did not like that at all. Kelly Tarrant took school money home and put it into her personal checking account, and that is ok with The Chicago Public fool, I mean school system? He tried to sit down with you and resolve this personally and tried to protect you and you still tried to smear his name? Really? SHAME ON all of you who worked against our brother.
Is this the first time Kelly Tarrant has been accused of wrong doing?
Emphatically NO! It was reported by the
Dan Mihalopoulos Dec
Kelly Tarrant, the top aide to council I.G. Faisal Khan, is facing an investigation into whether her moonlighting as a political operative last year conflicted with her taxpayer-funded role as a corruption fighter. Tarrant, a longtime campaign fundraiser and consultant, began working for Khan in January 2013, helping investigate complaints of unethical behavior by aldermen and their staff members.
Here is a woman, in a position to investigate wrong doing, and it appears she learned how to commit unethical behaviors as well. And evidence shows and proves she has been getting away with plenty of unethical practices until you met Mr. Muhammad. Who tried to put a stop to your filthy practices.
Are there any others in positions of public school authority performing unethical practices like Ms. Kelly Tarrant?
We believe there are. Her ways and actions have opened a door that can not be closed. Why not? Because our children are not being taught right and they are prospering from how ignorant we can be kept and how ignorant we keep ourselves. Damn it!!!! When people know better we do better. Chicago's violent crime rate is 164% above the US average. The murder rate is four times above the national average, with other violent crimes being more prevalent than in other average cities.
You spinless public officials in positions of power want people to believe you are paying attention to the plight of the black community, but when they talk about crime, more money for city schools, and tough job prospects.
But they won’t talk about the uncomfortable issues. Like fathers who’ve gone missing. Or children who can’t read. Or the hair-trigger violence that’s fueled by low self-esteem. You won’t talk about births to unmarried mothers, children raised without fathers and students who are functionally illiterate, because you like skating past the root causes of today’s troubles. Children who can’t read are destined to struggle and many may become criminals, victims, or both.
In Chicago’s public schools alone, results aren’t encouraging for any racial group, but blacks by far suffer the worst scores in proficiency. Just 1 in 10 black students cannot read at grade level. In math, it’s even worse. Only 1 in 20 is at grade level. All the more reason parents must help fill the void NOW. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ON THE RIGHT BUS.
What Bus Are We Talking ABOUT?
The BUS of TRUTH-FREEDOM- JUSTICE & EQUALITY. Think over these words from The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and apply them to our lives today.
"The whole world is reaching out for higher education and we cannot keep pace with the world unless we have this higher or advanced education. Our education from God is to advance us to higher learning in order to advance our own future. Allah has declared that we are righteous.
When we read and study our lessons, we think of our morals. He is not referring to you. Allah has forgiven us of all the evil practices under the devil.
WE AS teachers are to know this and let the students know this. The devil goes strongly out for evil, and we feel all the time that this is something we should not do, because we are of the righteous. When we do something righteous, we feel fine. When he does something righteous, he does not feel the same.
He enjoys killing. Never before have we had anyone on Earth like him. He did not come with us. White people are not one of us at all by nature.
"We are here to learn why we are here. What are we to do here (in the universe)? We must have knowledge from all over the universe. When we learn about Allah's creation, we learn His wisdom. When we get the knowledge of the creation, we have all that is in the universe."
Read more about this here