From An Interview with Your Student Brother Jabril Chris Muhammad:
"IF they even give me a tomb stone. The 3 most important parts of that stone will be the date I was born, The Dash between the Dates, and the day Allah (God) put an end to my life. Which I do not see happening any time soon.
Why the Dash? Because in the dash is the memory of all the good and bad I have done. One thing I want you to remember about me is that I stood up for truth, with The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, to help redirect all those who suffered like me towards a better life.
I care less about who hates me. When Allah (God) hates me... then I am in trouble. But as long as he permits me to tell the truth. Then you who hate the truth are the ones in trouble with him. This Sin Sick World Is out of Control...
Our Young Gifted and Black Children in particular, but all of us are imploding from the inside out. This is The war of Armageddon and if one human being other than myself is all I can help. Then I know I have done my job.
LEARN TO DO YOURS, As a Civilized Man or Woman. Or keep on SUFFERING even more."