From the desk of Your Student Brother And Co Editor of Your FEARLESS WORLD NEWS.
Greetings to you,
I am Your Student Brother & Friend Jabril Chris Muhammad. I am presenting this report in hopes that you as a reader will learn about some horrible conditions that really exist and could be fatal for millions of people who are unaware.
Have you felt really tired lately after being in the sun for some time lately? Yes, Being outside on a hot, sunny day often leaves people feeling tired and drowsy. The reason for this is that your body has to work harder to keep you cool.
This results in you feeling tired quicker. In hot weather, your body will automatically make adjustments to maintain its temperature. The body’s most well-known cooling mechanism is sweating. In order to release sweat and cool the skin, both your heart rate and metabolic rate increase.
This means that you burn through energy quicker. It can also leave you feeling dehydrated. Experts say that the best way to cool down is to spend some time in the shade and drink plenty of water.
But have you noticed these chem trails lately? Chem trails are exactly what they sound like, trails of chemicals in the air.
What can chemicals in the air do to the body?
Here what our research found. Exposure to air pollution
can affect everyone's health. When we breathe in air pollutants, they can enter our bloodstream and contribute to coughing or itchy eyes and cause or worsen many breathing and lung diseases, leading to hospitalizations, cancer, or even premature death. Premature death means we die earlier than we expected.
Some people, even my self at one point, think of air pollution as something that’s found mainly outside. We may picture cars idling or power plants with smoke stacks. But air pollution can also occur inside—in homes, offices, or even schools.
What? Schools you say. Not where our children attend to get a education right? You damn right. Because somebody knows that if our children can become infected with some chemical agent that is contagious to others. When they bring in back home unaware. Now your families receive it too.
Have you checked on the HVAC systems in your homes and the children's schools lately? What about the clean air quality they are breathing in?
What’s Outside and in the clouds that MUST BE CONSIDERED BETTER RIGHT NOW?
Did you know that several different types of pollutants can affect our health? When the weather is warm, an invisible gas called ozone can make it harder for some people to breathe. This gas is created when sunlight triggers a chemical reaction between oxygen and certain pollutants from cars, factories, and other sources.
Ozone can irritate the lining of your airways and lungs. People with asthma and other lung conditions are more likely to feel its effects.
What is this OZONE THING?
The ozone layer or ozone shield is a region of Earth's stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. It contains a high concentration of ozone in relation to other parts of the atmosphere, although still small in relation to other gases in the stratosphere. OTHER GASES? What if there were other chemicals being added to those gases? Have you heard about chem trails or have you seen them?
What would a burned out ozone layer produce?
We found from our research that when chlorine and bromine atoms come into contact with ozone in the stratosphere, they destroy ozone molecules. One chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before it is removed from the stratosphere. Ozone can be destroyed more quickly than it is naturally created. Now think about this. Scientists know that added combustible chemicals to other chemicals can trigger certain reactions. Have you ever mixed bleach with ammonia? Please don't try this anywhere. But if you have, then you know you can not stay around that hazard too long.
Chem trails, short for chemical trails, are what some call the white trails you see left behind as a plane passes overhead. We who believe in the chemical aspect of chem trails say those trails are actually clouds of chemicals used by the government or some other large scale entity for a variety of nefarious purposes from weather modification, to human population control via sterilization, to even mind control. Now, you may not believe it. That's fine...just don't wait til death takes you out of here because of this level of poisoning to try to become a believer. It would be physically impossible.
Chem's trails are not theories. How can a those planes we see in our skies pushing out all that chemical crap not be real? You see it, don't you?
Did you know about a group of 77 scientists, who published a report in the journal of Environmental Research Letters after digging through the supposed evidence of the intent to poison us through chem trails? These scientists are experts in atmospheric science, including the contributions of aircraft to the atmosphere as well as atmospheric processes like how quickly or uniformly chemicals fall through the air to the ground.
Now look, you don't need to believe a word of this report. You can say what you want. I really don't give a DAMN. ALLAH ( GOD0 IS MAKING ME a SAVIOURS HELPER. To help tell the TRUTH. And the life we learned to live is worth nothing!!! There is NO DEATH for those who are RIGHT and just. MY prayer and my SACRIFICES. MY LIFE AND MY DEATH ARE ALL FOR ALLAH (GOD) Do what you want with us. But the righteous DON'T DIE WE MULTIPLY.
DID YOU KNOW, Of those 77 scientists, 76 said they found no evidence of a "secret large-scale atmospheric program"—that’s 98.7%? Instead, they found that "the data cited as evidence [for such a program] could be explained through other factors, including well-understood physics and chemistry associated with aircraft." In other words, the evidence pointed to the trails being simply the normally expected result of planes flying through the air.
But what about that one scientist?
One scientist noted that in one remote location, the levels of barium in the atmosphere were unusually high relative to the levels of barium in the soil. No claims were made that the reason for those elevated levels had to be a large scale chemical operation, but since that scientist was not convinced of a clear reason for the barium to be higher in the atmosphere there, they left the possibility open. That means they did not agree with him at that time.
Why did that scientist note from a remote location? Could it be he saw something like Edward Snowden did? Go read this report for yourselves and find the TRUTH here
To be continued...