To Gain A Better Understanding of Why You Should Join The TAKE CHARGE NOW DIGITAL MARKETING PROGRAM, WATCH this video from Our Brother Ben X. He is very Successful in Digital Real Estate And We Can Be too. So lets Do it together.
"Throughout America, her colleges, her universities and her teachers are in danger. The students no longer want old world guidance. It is a new world that they want. But in their mad destruction of the old world they do not know how to prepare for a new world civilization.
They do not have guidance for a new civilization, and in their madness they refuse to hear a teacher teaching of an educational system of a better civilization...the civilization of the Black man." From The Fall of America Destruction of America’s Education - by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad
As his students, we agree with our teacher about this. And today we ask you, Are you ready to help build a new world? A FEARLESS WORLD, where you DO NOT NEED TO FEAR being yourself? A world where you don't need to beg for jobs, food, clothing or shelter? You can see the old world is going down, don't you need something sound while you live on top of the ground? Then join our FEARLESS WORLD COMMUNITY, AND LETS HELP MAKE SAFE & DECENT PLACES to live for everyone everywhere.
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IMPORTANT: You must check your emails daily and please download our actual faqs work sheet below thank you