The SUPREME MINDZ Academy is Inspired by The Prayers, The Sacrifices and The Life Giving Example of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
"We have to take over the educational system because the education that you’re receiving has not made you a good people or a better, people.
It made you a more willing tool or slave for your oppressor.
That system has to go in order for Black people to be set free.”
Words from The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Guidance can only benefit the one who recognizes and follows the direction that is pointed to or the course of conduct that is recommended.
It is sometimes difficult for people to follow good guidance because it runs counter to their desires, or they don’t trust the one offering the very thing that could improve or perhaps save their lives.
-words from The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan The Final Call Newspaper
Because we can not afford To NOT take this course.
This Online course will help teach students how to manage their time, home, and community better, since the student bears the responsibility of engaging with the course, instead of simply showing up to class on an assigned day and time.
As a result, students not only gain knowledge from the coursework, but they also sharpen their time management skills. To help reposition ourselves for greater advancements.