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Though some gardeners may be blessed with perfect soil, most of us garden in soil that is less than perfect. If your soil has too much clay in it, is too sandy, too stony or too acidic, don't despair. Turning a poor soil into a plant-friendly soil is not difficult to do, once you understand the components of a healthy soil.

Soil is composed of weathered rock and organic matter, water and air. But the hidden "magic" in a healthy soil is the organisms—small animals, worms, insects and microbes—that flourish when the other soil elements are in balance.

Minerals. Roughly half of the soil in your garden consists of small bits of weathered rock that has gradually been broken down by the forces of wind, rain, freezing and thawing and other chemical and biological processes.

Vegetable garden
Vegetable gardeners understand the importance of healthy garden soil.

Soil type is generally classified by the size of these inorganic soil particles: sand (large particles), silt (medium-sized particles) or clay (very small particles). The proportion of sand, silt and clay particles determines the texture of your soil and affects drainage and nutrient availability, which in turn influence how well your plants will grow.

Organic Matter. Organic matter is the partially decomposed remains of soil organisms and plant life including lichens and mosses, grasses and leaves, trees, and all other kinds of vegetative matter.

Although it only makes up a small fraction of the soil (normally 5 to 10 percent), organic matter is absolutely essential. It binds together soil particles into porous crumbs or granules which allow air and water to move through the soil. Organic matter also retains moisture (humus holds up to 90 percent of its weight in water), and is able to absorb and store nutrients. Most importantly, organic matter is food for microorganisms and other forms of soil life.

You can increase the amount of organic matter in your soil by adding compost, aged animal manures, green manures (cover crops), mulches or peat moss. Because most soil life and plant roots are located in the top 6 inches of soil, concentrate on this upper layer. To learn more about making your own compost, read All About Composting.

Be cautious about incorporating large amounts of high-carbon material (straw, leaves, wood chips and sawdust). Soil microorganisms will consume a lot of nitrogen in their efforts to digest these materials and they may deprive your plants of nitrogen in the short run.

Soil life. Soil organisms include the bacteria and fungi, protozoa and nematodes, mites, springtails, earthworms and other tiny creatures found in healthy soil. These organisms are essential for plant growth. They help convert organic matter and soil minerals into the vitamins, hormones, disease-suppressing compounds and nutrients that plants need to grow.

Their excretions also help to bind soil particles into the small aggregates that make a soil loose and crumbly. As a gardener, your job is to create the ideal conditions for these soil organisms to do their work. This means providing them with an abundant source of food (the carbohydrates in organic matter), oxygen (present in a well-aerated soil), and water (an adequate but not excessive amount).

Air. A healthy soil is about 25 percent air. Insects microbes, earthworms and soil life require this much air to live. The air in soil is also an important source of the atmospheric nitrogen that is utilized by plants.

Well-aerated soil has plenty of pore space between the soil particles or crumbs. Fine soil particles (clay or silt) have tiny spaces between them - in some cases too small for air to penetrate. Soil composed of large particles, like sand, has large pore spaces and contains plenty of air. But, too much air can cause organic matter to decompose too quickly.

To ensure that there is a balanced supply of air in your soil, add plenty of organic matter, avoid stepping in the growing beds or compacting the soil with heavy equipment and never work the soil when it is very wet.

Water. A healthy soil will also contain about 25 percent water. Water, like air, is held in the pore spaces between soil particles. Large pore spaces allow rain and irrigation water to move down to the root zone and into the subsoil. In sandy soils, the spaces between the soil particles are so large that gravity causes water to drain down and out very quickly. That's why sandy soils dry out so fast.

Small pore spaces permit water to migrate back upwards through the process of capillary action. In waterlogged soils, water has completely filled the pore spaces, forcing out all the air. This suffocates soil organisms as well as plant roots.

Ideally, your soil should have a combination of large and small pore spaces. Again, organic matter is the key, because it encourages the formation of aggregate, or crumbs, or soil. Organic matter also absorbs water and retains it until it is needed by plant roots.

Every soil has a different combination of these five basic components. By balancing them you can dramatically improve your soil's healthy and your garden's productivity. But first, you need to know what kind of soil you have.

Soil Texture and Type

Soil texture can range from very fine particles to coarse and gravelly. You don't have to be a scientist to determine the texture of the soil in your garden. To get a rough idea, simply place some soil in the palm of your hand and wet it slightly, then run the mixture between your fingers. If it feels gritty, your soil is sandy; if it feels smooth, like moist talcum powder, your soil is silty; if it feels harsh when dry, sticky or slippery when wet, or rubbery when moist, it is high in clay.

Every soil has unique physical characteristics, which are determined by how it was formed. The silty soil found in an old floodplain is inherently different from stony mountain soil; the clay soil that lay under a glacier for millions of years is unlike the sandy soil near an ocean. Some of these basic qualities can be improved with proper management—or made worse by abuse.

Identifying your soil type: Soils are generally described according to the predominant type of soil particle present: sand, silt or clay. By conducting a simple soil test, you can easily see what kind of soil you're dealing with. You may want to repeat this test with several different soil samples from your lawn and garden.

1. Fill a quart jar about one-third full with topsoil and add water until the jar is almost full.

2. Screw on the lid and shake the mixture vigorously, until all the clumps of soil have dissolved.

3. Now set the jar on a windowsill and watch as the larger particles begin to sink to the bottom.

4. In a minute or two the sand portion of the soil will have settled to the bottom of the jar. Mark the level of sand on the side of the jar.

5. Leave the jar undisturbed for several hours. The finer silt particles will gradually settle onto the sand. You will find the layers are slightly different colors, indicating various types of particles.

6. Leave the jar overnight. The next layer above the silt will be clay. Mark the thickness of that layer. On top of the clay will be a thin layer of organic matter. Some of this organic matter may still be floating in the water. In fact, the jar should be murky and full of floating organic sediments. If not, you probably need to add organic matter to improve the soil's fertility and structure.

Improving Soil Structure
Even very poor soil can be dramatically improved, and your efforts will be well rewarded. With their roots in healthy soil, your plants will be more vigorous and more productive.

Sandy Soil. Sand particles are large, irregularly shaped bits of rock. In a sandy soil, large air spaces between the sand particles allow water to drain very quickly. Nutrients tend to drain away with the water, often before plants have a chance to absorb them. For this reason, sandy soils are usually nutrient-poor.

A sandy soil also has so much air in it that microbes consume organic matter very quickly. Because sandy soils usually contain very little clay or organic matter, they don't have much of a crumb structure. The soil particles don't stick together, even when they're wet.

To improve sandy soil:

Work in 3 to 4 inches of organic matter such as well-rotted manure or finished compost.

Mulch around your plants with leaves, wood chips, bark, hay or straw. Mulch retains moisture and cools the soil.

Add at least 2 inches of organic matter each year.

Grow cover crops or green manures.

Clay Soil. Clay particles are small and flat. They tend to pack together so tightly that there is hardly any pore space at all. When clay soils are wet, they are sticky and practically unworkable. They drain slowly and can stay waterlogged well into the spring. Once they finally dry out, they often become hard and cloddy, and the surface cracks into flat plates.

Lack of pore space means that clay soils are generally low in both organic matter and microbial activity. Plant roots are stunted because it is too hard for them to push their way through the soil. Foot traffic and garden equipment can cause compaction problems. Fortunately, most clay soils are rich in minerals which will become available to your plants once you improve the texture of the soil.

To improve clay soil:

Work 2 to 3 inches of organic matter into the surface of the soil. Then add at least 1 inch more each year after that.

Add the organic matter in the fall, if possible.

Use permanent raised beds to improve drainage and keep foot traffic out of the growing area.

Minimize tilling and spading.

Silty Soil. Silty soils contain small irregularly shaped particles of weathered rock, which means they are usually quite dense and have relatively small pore spaces and poor drainage. They tend to be more fertile than either sandy or clayey soils.

To improve silty soil:

Add at least 1 inch of organic matter each year.
Concentrate on the top few inches of soil to avoid surface crusting.
Avoid soil compaction by avoiding unnecessary tilling and walking on garden beds.
Consider constructing raised beds.

Soil pH

The pH level of your soil indicates its relative acidity or alkalinity. A pH test measures the ratio of hydrogen (positive) ions to hydroxyl (negative) ions in the soil water.

When hydrogen and hydroxyl ions are present in equal amounts, the pH is said to be neutral (pH 7). When the hydrogen ions prevail, the soil is acidic (pH 1 to pH 6.5). And when the hydroxyl ions tip the balance, the pH is alkaline (pH 6.8 to pH 14).

Soil pH Tester

Most essential plant nutrients are soluble at pH levels of 6.5 to 6.8, which is why most plants grow best in this range. If the pH of your soil is much higher or lower, soil nutrients start to become chemically bound to the soil particles, which makes them unavailable to your plants.

Plant health suffers because the roots are unable to absorb the nutrients they require.

To improve the fertility of your soil, you need to get the pH of your soil within the 6.5 to 6.8 range. You can't, and shouldn't try, to change the pH of your soil overnight. Instead, gradually alter it over one or two growing seasons and then maintain it every year thereafter. Liberal applications of organic matter is a good idea too, because it helps to moderate pH imbalances.

Acidic Soil. If the pH of your soil is less than 6.5, it may be too acidic for most garden plants (although some, such as blueberries and azaleas require acidic soil). Soils in the eastern half of the U.S. are usually on the acidic side.

The most common way to raise the pH of your soil (make it less acidic) is to add powdered limestone. Dolomitic limestone will also add manganese to the soil. Apply it in the fall because it takes several months to alter the pH.

Wood ash will also raise the pH, and it works more quickly than limestone and contains potassium and trace elements. But if you add too much wood ash, you can drastically alter the pH and cause nutrient imbalances. For best results, apply wood ash in the winter, and apply no more than 2 pounds per 100 square feet, every two to three years.

To raise the pH of your soil by about one point:

In sandy soil: add 3 to 4 pounds of ground limestone per 100 square feet.
In loam (good garden soil): add 7 to 8 pounds per 100 square feet.

In heavy clay: add 8 to 10 pounds per 100 square feet.

Alkaline Soil. If your soil is higher than 6.8, you will need to acidify your soil. Soils in the western U.S., especially in arid regions, are typically alkaline. Soil is usually acidified by adding ground sulfur. You can also incorporate naturally acidic organic materials such as conifer needles, sawdust, peat moss and oak leaves.

To lower soil pH by about one point:

In sandy soil: add 1 pound ground sulphur per 100 square feet.
In loam (good garden soil): add 1.5 to 2 pounds per 100 square feet.
In heavy clay: add 2 pounds per 100 square feet.

Soil Testing

A professional soil test will provide you with a wealth of information about your soil, including the pH and amount of different nutrients.

Your local Cooperative Extension Service office may offer a professional soil testing service. The advantage is low cost and results that are specifically geared to your location. If this service is not available, you can also have your soil tested by an independent soil lab. If possible, choose one in your own region of the country.

Soil test results usually rate the levels of soil pH, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sometimes nitrogen. (Most labs do not test for nitrogen because it is so unstable in the soil.) Some labs also offer tests for micronutrients such as boron, zinc and manganese. 

Unless you feel there may be a deficiency problem, you probably won't need micronutrient testing. As a preventative measure, you can apply organic fertilizers that include micronutrients (such as greensand and kelp meal).

To get the most accurate test results, take a soil sample from each garden area: lawn, flower garden, and vegetable garden. Spring and fall are the best times to perform a soil test. The soil is more stable, and these are good times to incorporate any recommended fertilizers.

Many labs will give recommendations for specific organic amendments upon request. If not, you will have to compare labels to find organic substitutes for the chemical fertilizers that may be suggested.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are cover crops and green manures?

Cover crops are used primarily to protect fallow (unused) soil. In the North, gardeners usually plant them at the end of the season so their soil is not bare over the winter. Cold-hardy crops such as vetch and winter rye are best for overwintering. They will begin growth again in spring, and need to be tilled in before you can plant your garden.

Green manures can also be planted on a new garden area the year before you plan to use it. They will choke out weeds and add a wealth of organic matter. Legumes, including field peas, soybeans, and alfalfa, will contribute both nitrogen and organic matter to the soil. Fast-growing grains and buckwheat produce the most organic matter and will smother competing weeds as they grow.

If your soil will be fallow for more than one growing season, you can plant perennial or biennial green manures, such as clover or alfalfa. All cover crops should be tilled-in at least three weeks before the area is to be replanted, so the organic matter will already be partially decomposed at planting time.

What are liquid soil conditioners?

Liquid soil conditioners typically contain a blend of humic acid and catalytic enzymes, which are produced in a controlled environment by the same sort of microorganisms that are at work in your compost pile. When applied to your soil, their effect is similar to the effect you get when you add compost. Clay soils become easier to work and nutrients become more available; sandy soils are able to retain more water and nutrients.

Researchers have now isolated specific organic substances that solve specific soil problems. Soon you will be able to buy organic soil conditioners that have been specially selected for their effectiveness in opening up heavy soils or dislodging salts and other elements that have become tied up in the soil.

What are Hardpans?

Hardpan is a dense layer of soil that restricts root growth and the movement of moisture, air and beneficial organisms through the soil. Hardpan is usually created by glacial action, heavy rain, or heavy equipment, and typically lies between 6 and 25 inches below the soil surface.

Farmers often cope with hardpan by using a chisel plow to cut and break up this dense layer of soil. Home gardeners can break up and mix the hardpan layer by "double digging" the soil. This involves removing 10 to 12 inches of topsoil, and then working organic matter into the 12-inch layer of material that lies below. If the hardpan layer is not too deep, you can use a digging fork to puncture it and open up passages for air and water.

What does chelated mean?

Chelation is a process that joins a nutrient, such as iron, to a non-nutrient compound that can be easily absorbed by your plants.

What does 5-8-3 mean?

The numbers refer to the percentage by net weight of total nitrogen (N; always the first number), available phosphorus (P; the second number), and soluble potash (K; the third number). In other words, a 5-8-3 fertilizer contains 5 percent nitrogen, 8 percent available phosphorus, and 3 percent soluble potash.

Labeling laws allow only the immediately available nutrients to be listed. That is why the nutrient analysis for organic fertilizers tends to be low. Most organic fertilizers actually have a higher nutrient content, but these nutrients gradually become available to plants over a period of months or even years.

What are the benefits of seaweed?

Seaweed contains at least sixty micronutrients, including iron, copper, zinc, boron, and manganese. Seaweed also contains a high concentration of natural growth hormones which allow it to grow rapidly in its natural environment. 

When applied to plants, these growth hormones stimulate root growth, reduce transplant shock, promote more rapid fruit set, increase frost resistance and improve storage life. Research has also revealed that seaweed contains antitoxins that help plants fend off bacteria, viruses and pests.

Powdered seaweed (kelp meal) releases its nutrients gradually into the soil. Liquid seaweed makes these nutrients immediately available. Seaweed is not a complete fertilizer because it doesn't provide adequate nitrogen and phosphorus for most plants. But it is an excellent part of a balanced soil-building program.







From the Desk of Your Student Brother Jabril Chris Muhammad Your Fearless World News @ TENKFEARLESS.COM Alexander Bennett, a digital marketing strategist and best-selling author with over 15 years of experience in online business says: “I've been at the forefront of AI technology in marketing and turned it into my "superpower". After discovering what works in his own business, he spent years of research and hundreds of hours of testing to develop strategies that would work for other entrepreneurs and business owners. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS HERE Here at Your FEARLESS WORLD NEWS, One of the biggest concerns about Ai we found in the black community is fear of what may not be clearly understood. If anyone can not see in his or her own mind anything clearly for what it really is. The vision of what he or she is looking at will absolutely be a blurry one. The relationship between AI and the black community in particular, but in every community as a whole. Encompasses a range of perspectives and concerns. It's essential to recognize that these concerns are not about fear of technology itself, but about the implications of AI on societal structures, fairness, and equity. Despite these challenges, AI also presents significant opportunities for empowerment and innovation within the Black community. Entrepreneurial Ventures: As demonstrated by Alexander Bennett's AI-driven methods for generating online income, AI can support entrepreneurial endeavors, offering tools to create and manage businesses more efficiently. Advocacy and Social Justice: AI can be harnessed to analyze data for social justice causes, track disparities, and advocate for policy changes. AI-driven insights can lead to more informed decision-making and highlight areas in need of reform. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS HERE Educational Initiatives: Programs that focus on AI literacy can equip individuals with the skills needed to thrive in a technology-driven world. These initiatives can help bridge the gap and ensure that more people can participate in AI-related opportunities. Conclusion While there are valid concerns about AI's impact on the Black community, it's crucial to approach these challenges with a mindset geared toward inclusivity and empowerment. By addressing biases, ensuring diverse representation, and promoting education, AI can become a tool for positive change, offering new possibilities and opportunities for everyone. For More details about this visit there website here
By Jabril Chris Muhammad January 12, 2025
In today's ever-evolving world, OUR OWN Creativity is more than just a skill—it's a powerful tool that can drive change, parent innovation, and build bridges between diverse communities. At, we believe that every individual, regardless of their background, holds a unique creative potential that can contribute to the betterment of our world. We invite Black people, Spanish people, and indeed all of humanity to join us in this exciting journey to unleash OUR OWN creative POWER. Why DOES OUR OWN Creativity Matter? Our Creator is the POWER SOURCE of OUR OWN Creativity, which is the heartbeat of progress. It allows us to envision new possibilities, solve complex problems, and express our unique voices. In a world where challenges abound and near are unavoidable, tapping into OUR OWN creative power will lead to transformative change. A CHANGE ALL of US Can Really Believe In. Whether it's through art, technology, entrepreneurship, or community building, creativity fuels the innovation needed to tackle global issues like inequality, climate change, and social justice. What are the Benefits of Embracing Our Own Creativity Innovation: Creative thinking leads to new ideas and solutions. Empowerment: Expressing creativity will boost confidence and self-esteem. Connection: Sharing creative endeavors help parent understanding and collaboration. Resilience: Creative minds are often more adaptable and open to change. Self-Discovery: Engaging in creative activities will lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and personal growth. Stress Relief : OUR OWN Creativity will serve as an outlet for emotions and stress, promoting mental well-being. Cultural Enrichment: Celebrating OUR OWN creativity contributes to enriching cultural heritage and diversity. Economic Opportunities: OUR OWN Creativity will open doors to new career paths and entrepreneurial ventures. Supportive Network: Connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a difference. Learning Opportunities: Access workshops, courses, and resources designed to help you grow creatively and personally. Global Impact: We will collaborate on projects that address global challenges and contribute to a better world. How to Get Involved Joining our FEARLESS WORLD ONLINE WELLNESS community is simple. Visit to learn more about our mission and sign up. Whether you're an artist, a tech enthusiast, an entrepreneur, or someone simply seeking a creative outlet, there is a place for you in our FEARLESS WORLD ONLINE WELLNESS Community. Together, we can harness our collective creativity to build a world that is just, equitable, and vibrant for everyone. A Better World Awaits Every person has the potential to change the world, and it all starts with unleashing your creative power. By joining our FEARLESS WORLD ONLINE WELLNESS , you become part of a movement dedicated to PARENTING OUR OWN creativity, OUR OWN collaboration, and OUR OWN positive change. LET US HELP MAKE SAFE AND DECENT PLACES TO LIVE, let's come together and create a future we can all be proud of. Your journey to creativity starts now!
By Student Brother Jabril Chris Muhammad September 28, 2024
For those of you interested in sharing anyone's digital content on your social media page, website or blog . And perhaps you are interested to learn how to earn passive income for your efforts. This FREE PDF will help guide you along your way. If you have any comments, please leave them below. Or if you have questions or concerns, give us a call at (573) 250-8365
Triumph over tragedy is a concept that refers to the ability of individuals to overcome adversity and emerge victorious, despite the challenges they have faced. Tragedy can come in many forms, such as the loss of a loved one, a serious illness, financial ruin, or any other significant setback. The key to triumphing over tragedy is resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and to keep moving forward despite setbacks. It involves having a positive attitude, learning from mistakes, and being open to change. It also involves seeking support from others when needed, whether it be from family, friends, or professionals. Triumph over tragedy is not easy, but it is possible. It requires strength, determination, and a willingness to persevere in the face of adversity. Those who are able to triumph over tragedy often emerge stronger and more resilient than before, with a deeper appreciation for life and the people in it. My name Is Student Brother Jabril Chris Muhammad. I am the student Co editor of Your FEARLESS WORLD NEWS. Today I would like to share apart from my story with you. I hope that something we share will inspire you to become triumphant over some setbacks you may have. Please download our FREE E-Book and share.
By FEARLESS WORLD NEWS November 20, 2023
NOW IS THE TIME TO LEARN HOW TO ACQUIRE YOUR OWN LAND FOR A FRACTION OF THE RETAIL PRICE. Join this Mastery Class and learn how you can stop paying high rent and mortgage costs now. Walmart said, "SAVE MONEY, LIVE BETTER. " So Why Not Learn How To Do Just That?
From the desk of your co-editor of Your FEARLESS WORLD NEWS @Jabril Chris Muhammad A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT has been made from The Assistant SUPREME Captain of THE NATION of ISLAM Grandmaster Abdul Azziz Muhammad!!! We are pleased to share this good news and we invite you to share your comments with us below. Many from all over the country and the world have requested how to become a student of Grandmaster Abdul Azziz Muhammad. The wait is over!! Regardless of where you are, you will be able to join MMAM (My Martial Arts Master). Visit: Join his Martial Arts Master Class, The Online Martial Arts Course, Today And… Learn VSK Jiu Jitsu To Defend Your Life and The Lives of Your Loved Ones! On Your Own Schedule, Without Leaving Your Home Please support his efforts and if you like our content and would like to offer a generous donation to help further our growth please donate here SUBSCRIBE TO THE FEARLESS NEWSLETTER for Untainted News-Self Advancement Opportunities-Better Health Suggestions - Conflict Resolution Suggestions & More here
Greeting to you,
By Your FEARLESS WORLD NEWS July 10, 2023
Greetings to you, This is your student brother Jabril Chris Muhammad, your co-editor of Your FEARLESS WORLD NEWS. On June 26, 2023, Our brother Student Minister Dr. Wesley Muhammad shared his view on The WEAPONIZATIONS of Hip Hop. Today, We would like to hear from you about what he shared below: I have routinely disclaimed that I am not a “Hip Hop Historian.” Rather, my area of deep dive is more specific and circumscribed: the #WEAPONIZATION of Hip Hop. Many Hip Hop heads prefer that I change my language to the Weaponizations of RAP, because Hip Hop is the culture which Rap is only one element of. I can appreciate that intellectual distinction, but in the real world of the Black Community it is a distinction without a real difference. Rappers are shaped by the culture and the rapper shapes the culture. It’s very cyclical and self-fulfilling. And Hip Hop culture has a very pronounced influence on #BlackCulture broadly defined, for better and/or for worse depending on who controls the culture. I am deliberately distinguishing Hip Hop Culture as a theoretical or ideal construction in our minds and hearts from Hip Hop Culture as an on-the-ground MANIFESTATION. “Culture” is defined as the arts and other MANIFESTATIONS of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively; it is the CUSTOMS, arts, SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. Whoever controls the rappers and their access to the public (and the public’s access to them), can and does re-engineer “The Culture.” The most widely HEARD and SEEN rappers impact the thinking of the people and the direction of the culture much more substantively than do the lesser heard and seen rappers, regardless of their content. For the last approximately 30 years (at least) MOST (not all) of the rappers have been in the control of a cultural demographic BENT on shaping Hip Hop in a way that degenerates BLACK Culture. You cannot deny this and you cannot deny that they have been successful. Most people who object to my language are trapped in nostalgia. Hip Hop culture of the late seventies and eighties was positive and uplifting; it was God inspired. Hip Hop CULTURE in 2023 ain’t that; it is quite literally Satan-directed. Facts. And this re-engineered CULTURE bleeds easily and into the broader Black Culture. This analysis does not negate the fact that there have always been positive rappers who have held on to Hip Hop Culture as it originally manifested. My point, which cannot be denied, is that Hip Hop Culture as it MANIFESTS in 2023 is...different. Book available at Please Comment Below
PEACE Family This is your student brother & friend Jabril Chris Muhammad. Here we invite you to take a look at Professor Griff A Minista of Information, who says: You Are The Song You Sing Who is Professor Griff? He is An Energetic and Passionate Educator. Professor Griff is an internationally renowned educator, writer, producer, musician, platinum recording/spoken word artist, lecturer and founding member of the pioneering and revolutionary hip hop group Public Enemy.” Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Artist” and “Grammy recipient of the “Life Time Achievement Award”. Author of the popular music business guide: Musick Bizness R.I.P. (Resource Information Publication), Griff stands as a highly acclaimed, seasoned entertainment industry veteran and sought-after resource on all aspects of the music business. He is an activist within both the conscious and hip hop communities, Griff currently stands as a permanent fixture on the international lecture circuit with his riveting and powerful discourse/book, the Psychological Covert War on Hip Hop. An energetic and passionate educator, Griff skillfully customizes this extensively documented lecture to suit the needs of all audiences. Armed with an exemplary life of service and an impressive twenty-year musical career, Griff captivates audiences with his universal call for social responsibility within both the hip hop community and larger culture. As perhaps a testament to his firm commitment to raise the level of consciousness of today s entire hip hop generation; Griff effortlessly draws upon his own extensive entertainment industry experience and a vast reservoir of historical scholarship and research to deliver this poignant message. Learn more about him here Please Watch and Share Your thoughts about him and this video below.
Peace, This is Your Student brother friend Jabril Chris Muhammad. In this report we are taking a look into the views of Kim Kiyosaki about why are so many people are financially broke, In Our Hope we can learn how to repair our financial damage. Who is Kim Kiyosaki? Kim Kiyosaki is a student, who has learned what it takes to be successful-as a real estate investor, entrepreneur, speaker, and author. Drawing on a lifetime of experience in business, real estate, and investing to support her mission of financial education for women, Kim is a sought-after speaker, a host of the weekly Rich Dad Radio Show, and an active investor. According to her biography, Kim is passionate about providing financial education and has built upon the international success of her books, Rich Woman and It's Rising Time!, to create a series of Rich Woman products as well as an active and dynamic online community. In 1996, she and her husband Robert Kiyosaki, author of the personal finance classic and international bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad, founded The Rich Dad Company. In 1989, Kim began her real estate investing career with a purchase of a small, 2-bedroom/1-bath rental property in Portland, Oregon. Today Kim's real estate company buys, sells, and manages millions of dollars in property and her portfolio includes apartment complexes, hotels, and golf courses. She views herself As self-made millionaire, But we know nothing happens without the permission of Allah (God) in the person of Master Fard Muhammed. Kim is a happily married (but fiercely independent) woman who often travels and speaks with her husband and business partner, Robert. We close with this: The Economic Blueprint offered by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and through The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam is a painless and fool-proof way to progress as this country steadily moves toward a complete shutdown. We can’t afford to wait and we can’t afford to stumble. What we can and must do is follow divine guidance and act for our own sake. Observe the operations of the White man. He is successful. So we have a contemporary example of a movement working for development that is a minority inside this country and using land as the engine for development. We have the example of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the enterprises and holdings of the Nation of Islam in the 1960s and 1970s and even today. We have a man who is calling us to success today, all we need is to step forward and give 35 cents a week to a national treasury. Send your donations to or mail contributions to: Muhammad Economic Blueprint C/O Seaway Bank & Trust Company P.O. Box 19522, Chicago, IL. 60619-9522 Attn: Sherlyn Russell. Up you mighty nation, you can accomplish what you will! Please watch the video Below and leave a comment
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