Greetings to everyone who may read my words to my daughter and my children. I am a man who bears witness to the truth of what has been written, and what is being written. One thing that was written so long ago is this:
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
Today I bear witness that my own heart is being turned towards my own children and I know their hearts are being turned towards me. Not because I say so... But because I am a student of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad under the tutelage of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. I am learning from The Father how to become a Better Father and loving friend. A FATHERS LOVE NEVER DIES IT MULTIPLIES... A FATHERS LOVE NEVER DIES IT MULTIPLIES
I wrote this letter to my daughter Lesley to not only help acknowledge her birthday anniversary on June 1st. But to really help ignite the passion of LOVE PEACE AND HAPPINESS into the hearts of ALL MY CHILDREN. AND perhaps to help many others along our journey.
My Beloved daughter Leslie Mortley. Today is your birth anniversary. A day I was not allowed to be a part of so long ago. I want you to live your best because you are becoming the best version of your self. All of us have suffered great pains... But we need to know that GREATNESS comes after the PAIN always.
See... I believe That God's Greatness live within ourselves. All we need to do is READ + LEARN and Apply = Tangible results we can believe in. Yeah... it is simple math like ABC or 123. YET it is also a very hard lesson we must learn from, In order to move forward and grow. Because we live....after all of our struggles and pains, refusing to give up. I know you are one of MY BEST CHAMPIONS AGAINST THE FOWLS of this sin sick word.
Worlds are not planets my beloved daughter. The earth is what it is supposed to be, LIFE!
BUT worlds that are manifested, from sin sick minds, to mismanage, misdirect, misinform, misuse, murder robe rape and worse. Worlds, that produce chaos and total mass confusion MUST LEAVE our lives. This means, I know you have the MAGNETIC POWER to ATTRACT THOSE who are unaware of REAL LIFE, into The ACTUAL STATE of What Where When and how REAL LIFE must become. Which exist deep within your and my own state of awareness.
That will always reposition us,
with HIS natural-born courage to MEET AND OVERCOME
every obstacle in our paths. As a student, I am learning more and more into the mind of FATHERSHIP. Father means to further life by the way. And Our FATHER, The One who ORIGINATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH.
OUR FATHER....... Who Is In Heaven and up This Earth. He is the one who has been your strength and my own.
The reason why I call you and your sister Taijah, MY FREEDOM
is because YOU ARE HELPING TO unlock the doors THAT KEPT ME BOUND TO WRONG DOING.....
FREE..... DOM(e) Free our domes from the prison of our INNER ME
and with LOVE as our ENERGY FROM THE HEART AND SOUL OF OUR INNER (G) will always defeat our open enemies who ever they may be.
And BE NEVER afraid to live your own culture. If the way of life is lame, it is not our game. Sorry we don’t rock that way, (to those who are still reading) Smiling.
What way do we ROCK then dad?
We ROCK Hard Like The 3 The hard way. Follow The Mahdi The Messiah and The Minister.
In The name of The Father of The Sun and His Holy Spirit. Because that is where I am traveling with a wise man to do. Boarding at LIFE GATE X
Baby. For anyone travel towards a world we will have SAFE & DECENT PLACES to live.
Oh... don’t you want to go to OUR OWN FEARLESS WORLD!!!! Where all of us can live without FEAR of BEING our OWN ORIGINAL SELVES? I am on my way baby girl.... And so are you.
Sometimes when we don’t have much to give, but can still share a word. We should share it. Just like in the beginning you know...
Just like..... When in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made.
In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome by it. And remember he came onto his own, but his own received him not. Many have a problem being received by others. That problem is rooting our own refusal to study from our own INTERNAL AFFAIRS.
How strong our we from the inside out? Everyone must ask ourselves these questions when we look at the man or woman in the mirror at some point. But that is where THE TRUTH about WHO and what we are really is. And will become.
So...just like the word was in the begging And became a LIVING SOUL THEN... Every human being who wants SAFE & DECENT place to live. Must become students and study THE LIVING SOUL OF ALLAH (GOD) who TRAVELED 9000 MILES in the PERSON of MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD. To raise up one born out of the cotton fields of Georgia.
We know him by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad who really is The JESUS CHRIST everyone has been Looking for.... And the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan BEST FRIEND against any opposition. None will ever need to worry about the problems we all have. Because if we can just be good students. We will become MASTER PROBLEM SOLVES. Backed by The FORCES of Nature.
Always has BEEN and He Always will be. That’s why I was given The name JABRIL, From Student brother Melvin Muhammad.
Jabril means GOD IS MY STRENGTH. Has God been the strength to anyone who reads this? Raise your hand high!!!!! Lol
How many times have any of you gone through pain and suffer only to find out it was nothing but the lord? How many of you faced starvation because of a bad economy....only to find out it was God himself is who brought us through?
Do we sing this song in The Church:
We have come this far by faith,
Leaning on the Lord,
Trusting in His holy Word,
He's never failed us --yet.
Singin' oh, oh, oh, can't turn a-round,
We've come this far by faith.
Just the other day, I heard a man say He didn't believe in God's -Word, But I can truly say that I have found the way, And He's never failed me yet. And so my daughter... today. By the permission of Allah (God) I share my words of life with
Don't None OF YOU EVER BE discouraged.
BE ENCOURAGED........ When troubles come your -way.
He'll bear all our burdens, BECAUSE HE KNOWS HOW TO TUNE IN on all of us. All we need to do is tune in on him alone AND THE REST WILL FOLLOW. Like
The R&B group ENVOGUE All of us must FREE OUR MINDS, so we can benefit from LOVE PEACE AND HAPPINESS. So All of us WILL Benefit.... And never be without FOOD, CLOTHING AND SHELTER.
being MUST FREE OURSELVES from todays SAVAGE WAY OF LIFE. We MUST SOLVE every WRONG problem. WITH every right answer.
This will be continued...
If you like this article please comment below. If you care to send a love offering for the birth anniversary of my daughter. You may send it to her directly using her cash app here
Thank you for taking time to read my post
I am your student brother and loving friend.
Jabril Chris Muhammad
A many of many hats -author and student editor of Your FEARLESS WORLD NEWS
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