In the Holy Qur'an, Allah declares: "O you who believe! To be successful, maintain a firm stance when you come across an opposing force and constantly invoke Allah's Name in your thoughts and speech. (8:45 in Al-Anfal)
It is our own actions, that deserves a reward the most. Allah orders His followers to think of Him, praise Him in the morning and the evening, and to remember Him in all of their bodily postures, including standing, sitting, and sleeping on their sides. It is a fact that when one thinks of Allah, their hearts are content and their pain is subdued. Allah declares:
"Truly, those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah) and whose hearts take refuge in the memory of Allah, do their hearts find rest” (Ar-Rad 13:28)
Remembering Allah fills the heart with happiness and pleasure and makes the face look brighter. Allah remembers those who remember Him. He says:
“Therefore remember Me. I will remember you,” (Al-Baqarah 2:152)
With all the calamities surrounding human lives right now. During this time of The Great
UNRAVELING of NATIONS, We MUST ask ourselves, have we FORGOTTEN OUR RELATIONSHIP with Our Father Allah (God)?
Have we forgotten how to connect with The ONE who Created The Heavens and The Earth? Even after OUR SAVIOUR ARRIVED, that same God traveled 9000 miles himself, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. To help reconnect us with him, HAVE WE FORGOTTEN?
We must look at The man or woman in our own mirrors today. How can we be consumed and overwhelmed so badly by the madness of this world yet still we claim Greater is he who is within me and you? Worlds are made from the thoughts of human beings. The Earth is created, shaped and formed by Allah (God) who created it ALL from deep within himself.
Have we forgotten this?
Have we forgotten who he is and who we really are?
Have we forgotten where our place in his SUN really is?
Have we forgotten our deep, most intimate relationship with him alone? Could that be why our intimate relationships with others are savagely distorted and confused?
Have we forgotten that a house divided from within itself can not stand?
Have we forgotten those who help pave the way for us to stand for TRUTH FREEDOM JUSTICE, & EQUALITY?
HAVE WE FORGOTTEN The Way towards our own inner peace? And could this be why nothing but chaos and calamities surround us? Ask yourself, have we forgotten our duties as civilized men & women?
While you might be thinking why your memory is so awful, forgetting happens to everyone occasionally, and people forget things shockingly quickly. According to research, about 56% of knowledge is forgotten after an hour, 66% after a day, and 75% after six days. While the brain is capable of amazing things, its ability to store and recall details is constrained. We forget things for a variety of causes and in a variety of ways.
What Does Forgetting Mean?
Information that had been previously stored in short-term or long-term memory can be lost or changed through forgetting. It might happen suddenly or gradually as long-forgotten memories fade. Although forgetting things occasionally is common, frequent or unusual forgetting could indicate a more significant issue.
Have you ever had the sensation that a certain knowledge, has suddenly disappeared from your memory? Or perhaps you are aware that it is present but are unable to locate it. One of the most frequent causes of forgetfulness is the inability to recall a memory.
Why then do we frequently struggle to recall facts from memory? The decay theory is one explanation for retrieval failure.
This theory states that whenever a new theory is developed, a memory trace is produced. According to the notion of decay, these memory traces gradually start to deteriorate and vanish. The material will eventually be lost if it is not retrieved and practiced.
However, there is research available, which shows and proves, that even memories have limitations, which poses a difficulty for this idea. We must study that. We must learn to REMEMBER OUR GOD. We Must Learn To REMEMBER OURSELVES. We Must LEARN to REMEMBER Our families our Homes, our Communities. LOOK in your own Mirror of Life and ask yourself. DO YOU REMEMBER ME? HAVE I FORGOTTEN ALL ABOUT YOU?
WHY Call This A LIFE GIVING Documentary?
The simple answer is, there are far too many who are
DEAD walking around like zombies. More than 85% of the population on the whole earth have been feeding on the wrong foods. And have been easily misled to where they think about themselves and others right now. Mismanagement of self is the root of all our problems. But, there is a better way to come out of the mismanagement of ourselves. There is a way out of these dark moments and cold-blooded lifestyles. It is the light of TRUTH. Not only a
TORCHlight for America and those who live in it. It is for The Whole population of the Earth.
Are you ready to come forth, Lazarus, or should we say lazy us? If our lives are suffering because of those in power sucking the life out of all of us. Maybe we need an alternative? Allah (God) who came in The person of Master Fard Muhammad came by himself to give us that alternative. And a Better Way of Living. All we need to do is LEARN HOW TO EAT TO LIVE. FEED on what gives us life and not death. Study The LIFE GIVING Teaching of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, under the Tutelage of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. That we can learn How to Live Better. Walk Better. Love Better. Know better, Use Wisdom Better. And gain Better Understanding to truly live our own way of life. Or die as we are.
We ask for your generous contributions to help further the growth and development of The LIFE GIVING DOCUMENTARY Named rightful so. But we DO NOT EXPECT one dime. Why? Because many of you claim you believe, but because you refuse to put what you believe in towards the right practices. You still refuse to help yourselves. So we are simply reminding all of us about The TIME and what MUST be done. Allah is sufficient for All of our affairs. Be NOT of those who accept loss and refuse to help do better.
What is the Purpose of This LIFE GIVING DOCUMENTARY?
The Purpose of This LIFE GIVING Documentaries, is to help others strive towards the betterment of worlds. To help make you aware and actively participate in a society that will make and shape the future of any world. To help reform, totally eradicate dysfunctional minds, with absolute TRUTH. To help bring OURSELVES OUT of inner darkness. To help reeducate ourselves from the inside out. To help learn how to defend a NEW Way of thought with The SUPREME POWER of God's OWN MIND, while we learn how to critique, reconstruct and to observe our own real lives better.
From our heart to yours.
We are merely your student brothers, sisters & friends, striving to help us live a more abundant life.
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